Friday, April 5, 2013

Symbolism // Suicide Note

In finishing Suicide Note the most symbolic part of the whole story was the bridge where Jenn spent a lot of her time. The bridge was where she would read and contemplate her life and the past that kept haunting her. The bridge was symbolic of a person, the one person she did not have in her life to go to and talk about her problems and comfort her. So she was lead to this bridge where she felt at peace. The bridge was strong and made Jenn feel comforted just as person who is trustworthy, loyal, and honest would have; the bridge was Jenn's safe haven. I find it ironic that the real life person who ends up taking the bridge's "place" found Jenn on the bridge. It was almost as if it was a passing over. Although the bridge is not real, it was giving Jenn up to Shane because after meeting him, Jenn went to the bridge once and this was because Shane was gone in the military. The part where Shane meets Jenn on the bridge symbolized a father giving up his daughter during a wedding or a mother watching her son go off to college. The bridge had done its job for Jenn; it had comforted her and been her safe haven, but it was time to give her up to someone new.


  1. Powerful explanation of symbolism! Are you loving this book? I am looking forward to discussing it with you!

  2. I did enjoy the book! It was much different than the other books I have read throughout the class, but it was nice to have a change of pace with what I had been reading!
