Friday, March 8, 2013

Free Write // To Kill A Mockingbird

As I finish up reading my last novel for this quarter I can honestly say how glad I am that I read To Kill A Mockingbird. Reading doesn't always come easy to everyone, but if you take the time to give yourself up to a book, the number of things you can come away with it are remarkable. There are a countless number of conflicts and messages put into this novel to give you new insights on life. Each individual message can affect you differently, but I promise you that they will give you a different perspective on life.
Throughout the novel you read about Scout, Jem, and Dill growing up. Scout seemed to be grown up all along. She is the type of person we need more of in our world today. Perhaps she should have thought before she spoke, but the overall message I am trying to explain is that we don't need to tailor our thoughts and opinions all the time to make them seem socially acceptable. Honesty will always be better than buttering up to someone. Yes, we need to know our boundaries but what if our boundaries our so tight that they end up suffocating our thoughts and opinions to where we only do and say what others want to hear. Sounds pretty unfair to me.
Harper Lee used a child as the narrator not only to show innocence but also to show that sometimes a child is smarter than an adult. I have experienced a number of times where a child has made me think about something in a completely different way. Harper Lee reminded me that we need to use everyone in the world. Everyone is important, everyone's voices should be heard, their feelings should be taken to heart, and that we are all equal no matter what the situation. Just like a book, people can change your perspective on anything in life, big or small.

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