Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Page on Facebook // "I am"

I have a part of my project started! I created a Facebook page called "I am." Here's the description:

>> My last year of high school is coming to a close and I want to do something inspiring. I am currently in a Novels class, but this isn't your normal Novels class. We read, blog, and inspire. We read to get inspired from others words. At the end of our quarter we create something from what inspired us with what we read.

>> I read The Catcher in the Rye and was pretty moved by JD Salinger's word
s. They were blunt, but they were real. All of us in the world today get so caught up in things that probably won't matter when we die. All of us in the world today have acted or still act like someone we're not. We can be phony, fake, and have no depth. But why? Because we conform to what is "normal" instead of being the person God set out for us to be; the person we should be most comfortable with: oUrSeLvEs.

>> "I am" is a part of my project. What I want this page to be is a source of reflecting on yourself and being inspired by other people's reflections. I want people to realize that other people are fighting the battle of not being true to themselves. We can all help each other to recognize who we really are, but first it starts with your individual self. Reflect on everything you've ever done and ask yourself, "Is that really who I am?"

>> What to do:

      >Reflect on who you really are as a person!
      >Type it out! Make a video! Get creative!
      >Go be this person!

>>Reminder..start off your wall post or video with "I am..."  

That's the description of my page, so go like it and express yourself! :) "I am"


  1. It's great how you incorporated social media. I like how you connected it to many things beside your book. This is great!

  2. I LOVE your Bible really put a lot of time in your project. I have liked your Facebook page, it truly is an amazing page and your speech sounds very neat! I plan to post my "I am" today...GOOD JOB!! (:

  3. Awesome idea! I loved your organization of the project, and it's inspiring to everyone I think because it is something that everyone could be going through. Such a good idea with the facebook because everyone can see it and share. Good job! Love it!

  4. I really liked how you decided to speak to the incoming freshman as well as make a facebook page. It's amazing what happens when you have something pushing you to do it. Thank you for sharing.

  5. This sounds like a great idea to talk to the incoming freshmen. I like the topics that you said you were going to talk about, because a lot of people will change how they act when they are around different people. The Facebook page sounds like a really good idea.

  6. I think that it's good that you're having people share their experiences with everyone. More people need to talk about it than we really think that they do. This is a good way to talk about things and get things shared out. I think that your project will be super once you have the talk with the incoming freshmen. Hopefully they will take that advice to help themselves! Nice job, Taylor! :)

  7. This will be a very good project for the incoming freshman. Incoming freshman tend to not take things seriously some time, so hearing from seniors would be a good idea. I will definitely help out if you decide to go ahead with the panel.
    With that substitute expressing her opinion of you, was sort of a blessing in disguise. She probably didn't mean a thing by it, but it definitely helped "fuel your fire." Good job, Taylor!


  8. Very inspiring idea. Your project will make a big difference in all of the upcoming freshman's lives by giving them the motivation to be themselves. Your project was awesome.

  9. Freshman need some encouragement for high school and that they should respect the upper class men the way you want them to treat you back. Work hard in everything you do and try everything your freshman year because you will never know if you like it. Also just keep your mouth shut the first few weeks until you find your place like don't get to cooky because your a freshman. Those were the words of advice that I was given and it really helps. You might not know it at first but you will realize it by the time you become a senior. Thanks again for your presentation, you are a great roll model for the underclass men and will give good guidance to them during your speech.

  10. Taylor, your project is really sweet. I think this subject is very relevant to today's society as many people change how they act so they can be popular and well known. I can personally relate to your project as I am... "different" from everyone else. One thing I enjoy about your project is that you are using social media to share your cause, as it is a huge aspect of many people's lives.

  11. Oh, Taylor! I read this, "All of us in the world today get so caught up in things that probably won't matter when we die," and I thought, I hope more students your age catch on... I bet they will, as a result of your project!! Thank you!!

  12. Thank you for your kind words :) It always seems to brighten my day and inspire me to keep trying to change the world!
